100+ Women Who Care

Addison County, Vermont

A Simple Concept

A BIG Impact

100 Women + $100=$10,000 Local Impact

About Us

100+ Women Who Care, Addison County is a charitable giving circle. We gather quarterly to choose three nonprofits to receive our pooled donations. Members attend meetings in person or via Zoom. Together we amplify our giving while learning about good organizations serving Addison County.

Members come from different towns and a variety of backgrounds, and are at different stages of life, but we share a commitment to supporting each other and the community.

How It Works

Each quarter, members donate $100 and have the opportunity to nominate a local 501(c)3 charitable organization serving Addison County. Two weeks before our quarterly meeting, three of the nominated organizations are randomly selected to make a short presentation at the upcoming meeting to share how they would use the funds if selected. The organization with the most votes receives 70% of the funds. The two runners up each receive 15% of the funds.

Join Us

100% of funds are given directly to the selected organizations.

Members agree to donate $100 quarterly. If you are ready to join us, click the “Join” button below which will take you to the 100+ Women Who Care Addison County page on the Grapevine site, which manages donations and the distribution of our collectively donated funds. Please choose “give now” to be enrolled for the upcoming meeting, and also choose ‘recurring donation” so that you don’t miss a future meeting!